請幫我糾正我醫囑翻譯上的問題,感激- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2011年12月15日 ... Under the impression of bilateral advanced O.A. knee, he was admitted for left TKA.根據病人主訴和pervious(穿透?)病例記錄,他有高血壓性心臟 ...
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英語語言詞典[be under the impression that] # 翻譯[be under the ... im.pres.sion [Im`prZʃәn; imˋprєʃn] 《impress 的名詞》 1 (C)印象,銘感 auditory [visual] ~s 聽覺[視覺] 的印象Those are his first ~s of Tokyo. 那些是他對 ...
我印象中的翻译:I was under the impression 什么意思?中文翻译英文 ... 翻译结果1翻译结果2翻译结果3翻译结果4翻译结果5. I have the impression. I was under the impression. In my impression. I have the impression that. I was under ...
under the impression什么意思?_百度知道 2011-12-17 be under the impression of是什么意. ... 0回答 20 under the moom 中文版; 0回答 15 求under the moon 汉化版; 1回答 in the sun 这里 ...